2001-05-29 Challenges of the Hotel Sector in the XXI century


Tenerife hoteliers will discuss the most innovative management and information techniques.

Tenerife hoteliers have been invited by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the world’s No. 1 consultant, and Class One, hotel computer experts, to the Conference on Challenges of the Hotel Sector in the 21st century, which will take place on May 29 at the Hotel Jardín Tropical ( Sta. Cruz de Tenerife), where current knowledge and future vision will be provided in the areas of Hotel Management and Information Systems for Hotel Executives.

The conference will discuss topical topics in the hotel sector, among others: Revenue and Yield Management, U.S.A.L.I., Current hotel management, Aid to the hotel sector. Carrying out different simulations of hotel facilities, as a practical demonstration.

This event will undoubtedly be of great interest to directors, owners, and managers of hotel chains, since the sector is constantly evolving and keeping up to date is important and not always easy.

Program In Spanish
