2015. StarCrS – Restaurant Reservation Center

As a result of having decentralized Clients and establishments, we find that without realizing it, we have an operative Reservation Center from before knowing this fact, with which our clients can book in real time in the Restaurants associated with the Central
If you don’t have our StarPL Restaurant 4.0 app
- An email will be sent to the Restaurant attached to the Central with the reservation data.
- You will have access to the EXTRANET of the central to update your Booking and promotions data.
- Geolocation of Restaurants close to your location.

If you own StarPL.
- The Reserve will enter the system directly, keeping the offer it has.
- You will have the EXTRANET data in your own Restaurant, without the need for any external access.
- Customers can also access the Home Delivery service, if the restaurant wishes to provide it. (You can choose to pick up at Restaurant).
- They may apply a loyalty policy for points.
- Customers will be able to consult all the data of the Restaurants in which they have eaten, in addition to carrying out the evaluation (quality control), the Restaurant and the Dishes.
- They will be able to access the Social Networks of each Restaurant.
- Geolocation of Restaurants close to your location.
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