Class One agreement with AEDH (Asociación Española de Directores de Hoteles)

Continuing with our expansion in all aspects, Class One has signed a collaboration agreement with AEDH (Spanish Association of Hotel Directors), through which it will benefit those hotels that are in the Association with certain advantages with respect to Class One products. .

As a counter-provision by AEDH, the news will be published in the same way on its Web page, an email to all its associates, a premium banner on the Web Site, and being a recommended company as a PMS provider (Software for Hotels).

We thank you for all the previous work that has been done to achieve this agreement provided by Manuel Vegas Lara (President of AEDH) and by Josep María Lacondeguy (Director of Expansion of Class One)

Group Class One 
Rafael Alberti 6 Bajo, 15172 -Perillo (Spain) 
 Teléfono: +34 981613709

 E-Mail: comercial at classone dot es
