Global POS System


In Class One we have defined «Corporate Discipline«, this is the concept that we apply for the Centralization of the different Establishments.

Corporate Discipline, as its name indicates, is the automatic protocolization from the Central to the different Establishments.

Feedback. This concept is applied so that in an automatic and programmable way we have in our HeadQuarter the total sales of the different Establishments, and in turn the Establishments have their sales items automatically updated according to the Masters of our HeadQuarter

Here I attach a presentation of our Company and our system for F&B.

GPS - Global POS System - Grupo Class One


HeadQuarter - Franchises

GPS - Global POS System - Grupo Class One




It must be taken into account that the Cost / Sales centers must be coordinated with each other, based on experiences with other facilities, if there is no strict protocol for it, in the end they will each go their own way.



The most logical thing is that they are always the same in all the warehouses that the group owns, for this, a corporate warehouse should be established that in turn is operational (for example Madrid), which can be accessed by those responsible for purchasing from the rest of the Warehouses, and register in the same those new suppliers that are required. Once said supplier / s have been registered, the option to export suppliers to the different warehouses of the group will be accessed.

When generating the creation protocol, you must always take into account the accounting code (Supplier delivery note pending invoices to Receive 40090xxx).


Families and Articles

Same procedure as the previous one.



Regulations should be established to distinguish the Departments of Madrid, Seville, Malaga,…, (28xx, 41xx, 29xx,…), and have them in all warehouses, since there may be internal transfers between different warehouse centers.


Service Orders

Series must be entered to perfectly identify where it is from (Talking Code), example FINCA AMALUR 29600xxxxxxxx, ...



They will be movements of transfer of merchandise from a warehouse-department to another warehouse-department, but with a single movement. At this point, we should take into account what we will talk about next about traceability.


We consider it a good option to incorporate it into the system, since we have it in StarPOS (Tickets, Items and Price Lists, although in this case it goes two-way), and our system would gain a lot for other similar cases.


Work Sequence

The different Warehouse systems that are going to participate are incorporated into connectivity.
Programming the Export options, when logging out of any of the files mentioned above, it will ask if we are going to synchronize with the rest of the stores.
We will have in all warehouses a supplier code necessary when making exchanges.
Screens from StarPOS are shown, so the technology and procedures are already proven.



An option is created whose operation will be similar to that of Warehouse Transfers, where the products will be output in the origin warehouse-department, as consumed and a merchandise entry in the destination warehouse-department, it is estimated that the price will be applied the PUC (Last Price Replacement Price).

Traceability should be taken into account if it exists.

GPS - Global POS System - Grupo Class One


HeadQuarter - Franchises

GPS - Global POS System - Grupo Class One

What do customers / users think of the system?

The companies
trust in
Class ONE


Mechanized hotels


External interfaces


Years of experience


Independent Systems

Grupo Class One