Nacho Aranguren González
In the path of transcendental agreements, we have the honor of having signed a framework collaboration agreement of Class One Group with the firm ALDABA Partners, Asesores Globales de Hoteles.
From Nacho, little can be added in the world of business and the hotel sector, his prestige is well recognized, after starting his professional career in 1983 at Coopers & Lybrand as auditor, he joined as Director of Investees in Corporación Financiera Reunida (COFIR) in 1989, being appointed General Director in 1992. After participating in the COFIR MBO in 1996, and after the merger with NH Hoteles (today NH Hotel Group, SA) in 1998, he was appointed General Director with responsibility for the areas of Development Corporate and Asset Management, functions he has performed until June 2017.
Nacho Aranguren González
- Training in Economics and Business - ICADE E-2
- Master in Finance - CESEM