KPI's - Dashboard

KPI’s Dashboard direct and impressive.

In our constant research within the sector, to report a greater knowledge of the ownership of establishments, as one more option (the D.I.4 option), from our Business Intelligence we show in a single screen 21 triple and comparative KPI’s (current, weekly, monthly). It is a great pride for Class One to have detected new KPI’s of proven effectiveness that still do not have a name in the sector. Of course there are all the usual known RevPASH, RevPATH, Bounce Rate, … KPI’s Dashboard direct and impressive.

Get that with a single glance, we can compare:

  • one day with the previous
  • one week with the previous
  • one month with the previous

and let us know that we have improved or worsened with its economic power and this raised to 21 KPI’s,

It does not seem to you that it is to take the control of our Restaurants to limits that border on the future.

All of this already exists in Class One
