(VII) - A new concept of Hotel Management (SHMS)

Web System, access your Hotel in any location.

Class One Smart Seven Stars

Online History:

Online History:

Reservations/Stays historical, 

Occupancy Reports (Arrivals book, Departures book, Occupied rooms book, Occupation by customers, Occupation by countries), 

Production Diaries (by Date, Service, # Room, Age/Comp/Guest)

VBSD:  Virtual Book of Strategic Decisions

Concept recovered from our systems in the 90s

In summary, any printable information is archived and easy to access the Web platform as long as the relevant authorizations exist

Class One Smart Seven Stars
Group Class One 
Rafael Alberti 6 Bajo, 15172 -Perillo (Spain) 
 Teléfono: +34 981613709

 E-Mail: comercial at classone dot es
